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Don't HR Alone #48 - Pregnant Worker Protections, and Premium Tax Credit Regs
Massachusetts Governor signs bipartisan pregnant worker protection law — STATE LAW Governor Charlie Baker has signed H. 3680, “An Act...
Don't HR Alone #47 - Independent Contractor Classification
IRS Factor Explanations Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Revenue Ruling 87-41 contains factors, commonly referred to as the 20 common law...
Don't HR Alone #46 - Tennessee Employment of Minors
Tennessee Employment of Minors Tennessee’s Child Labor Act is located at Tenn. Code Ann. 50-5-101 – 50-5-222. Under Tennessee law, an...
Don't HR Alone #45 - Retirement Plan Participation by Generation
Wells Fargo: Millennials Make Greatest Gains In 401(K) Plan Participation Rates of saving for retirement and investing habits differ from...
Don't HR Alone #44 - Employee Safe Driving, and Form 5500 question
Safe driving kit from the National Safety Council aims to drive down crashes — PRACTICE TIP The National Safety Council released a...
Don't HR Alone #43 - Drugs, Medicare, and Job References
Suspected Drug and Alcohol Use Question: What is the best way to confront an employee who seems to be under the influence of drugs and...
Don't HR Alone #42 - Service Animals, and Medical Marijuana Terminations
Service Dog Question: Our employee is a military veteran and was approved by his doctor to have a service dog with him at all times. He...
Don't HR Alone #41 - Dress Code Violations and Workplace Automation
Dress Code Violation Question: Now that the weather is warmer, one of our employees has begun to dress inappropriately for work. Her...
Don't HR Alone #40 - Compliance Updates and Travel Benefits
Retirement plans. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has published a Request for Information on its fiduciary rule, which gives the...
Don't HR Alone #39 - Senate ACA replacement keeps some taxes, Summer Party Shenanigans, and a $2
Tips for limiting liability risks at summer party — PRACTICE TIP For some companies, the office summer picnic or outing has replaced the...
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