Don't HR Alone #20 - Payroll Tax Updates for July 1, and Social Media Recruting
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania reduces wage and net profits tax — PENNSYLVANIA — Withholding and Reporting
A Philadelphia ordinance amends the city’s wage and net profits tax by decreasing rates for residents and nonresidents. Specifically, for residents the tax on salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation is decreased from 3.9004% to 3.8907% beginning July 1, 2017. For nonresidents, the tax is reduced from 3.4741% to 3.4654%. Further, for residents the tax on net profits earned in businesses, professions or other activities is reduced from 3.9004% to 3.8907% for January 1, 2017 and thereafter. For nonresidents, the tax is reduced from 3.4741% to 3.4654%.
The wage and net profits tax is imposed on Philadelphia residents in addition to the 1.5% Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority tax, which is included in the resident rates above. (Philadelphia Bill No. 170198, Philadelphia City Council, effective June 14, 2017.)
Oregon amends interest, refund computations — OREGON — Interest Rates
For purposes of taxes administered by the Oregon Department of Revenue (DOR), the state has enacted legislation amending the method of computing interest due on tax deficiencies and refunds of tax in order to replace the current rate, based on month or partial month, with an annual rate computed daily. The change is applicable to tax deficiencies or refunds owing as of January 1, 2018.
Specifically, the current interest rate of five-sixths of one percent per month, or a fraction thereof, for deficiencies is replaced by a rate of 10% per year computed on a daily basis. For refunds ordered by the tax court or the Oregon Supreme Court or an assessment issued by the DOR the interest rate will be 4% greater than the annual interest rate. (Ch. 278 (S.B. 33), Laws 2017, effective on the 91st day after adjournment sine die.)
Law amended — WYOMING — Unemployment Insurance
Wyoming’s Employment Security Law has been amended as follows:
Delinquency tax rate. Upon reviewing a delinquent employer's account, the Commission may eliminate or reduce contributions payable due to the 2% delinquency tax rate increase either upon a showing of good cause or a finding that (1) the delinquency is less than $1,000; (2) after notice of the changed rate, the employer protested its delinquency tax rate in writing; (3) all delinquent amounts are paid by December 31 preceding the calendar year for which the delinquent rate has been assigned; and (4) all delinquent wage records are submitted (Wyo. ¶4182).
Study shows number of employers using social media to screen candidates at all-time high — SURVEY RESULTS
According to a new study, 70 percent of employers use social media to screen candidates before hiring, up significantly from 60 percent last year and 11 percent in 2006. The national survey was conducted online on behalf of CareerBuilder by Harris Poll between February 16 and March 9, 2017. It included a representative sample of more than 2,300 hiring managers and human resource professionals across industries and company sizes in the private sector.
"Most workers have some sort of online presence today– and more than half of employers won't hire those without one," said Rosemary Haefner, chief human resources officer at CareerBuilder. "This shows the importance of cultivating a positive online persona."
What are employers looking for? Social recruiting is becoming a key part of HR departments—3 in 10 employers (30 percent) have someone dedicated to the task. When researching candidates for a job, employers who use social networking sites are looking for information that supports their qualifications for the job (61 percent), if the candidate has a professional online persona (50 percent), what other people are posting about the candidates (37 percent) and for a reason not to hire a candidate (24 percent).
Employers aren't just looking at social media—69 percent are using online search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing to research candidates as well, compared to 59 percent last year.
More than half of employers (54 percent) have found content on social media that caused them not to hire a candidate for an open role. Of those who decided not to hire a candidate based on their social media profiles, the reasons included:
Candidate posted provocative or inappropriate photographs, videos or information: 39 percent;
Candidate posted information about them drinking or using drugs: 38 percent;
Candidate had discriminatory comments related to race, gender, religion: 32 percent;
Candidate bad-mouthed their previous company or fellow employee: 30 percent;
Candidate lied about qualifications: 27 percent;
Candidate had poor communication skills: 27 percent;
Candidate was linked to criminal behavior: 26 percent;
Candidate shared confidential information from previous employers: 23 percent;
Candidate's screen name was unprofessional: 22 percent;
Candidate lied about an absence: 17 percent; and
Candidate posted too frequently: 17 percent.
On the other hand, more than 4 in 10 employers (44 percent) have found content on a social networking site that caused them to hire the candidate. Among the primary reasons employers hired a candidate based on their social media profiles were candidate's background information supported their professional qualifications (38 percent), great communication skills (37 percent), a professional image (36 percent), and creativity (35 percent).
Necessity of online presence. Fifty-seven percent of employers are less likely to call someone in for an interview if they can't find a job candidate online. Of that group, 36 percent like to gather more information before calling in a candidate for an interview, and 25 percent expect candidates to have an online presence.
Researching current employees. More than half of employers (51 percent) use social media sites to research current employees. Thirty-four percent of employers have found content online that caused them to reprimand or fire an employee.
Source: CareerBuilder.